Thursday, January 17, 2013

Nature Reserves In Egypt

Replete with Egypt natural resources unique and diverse, whether on the coast or deserts or between mountains and valleys with mild weather throughout the year and have contributed to the availability of models differentiated Natural Heritage and the multiplicity of rich biodiversity, aware of the state of the importance of these resources natural has issued Law No. 102 of 1983 in significant reserves of natural been declared 24 protected natural during the period 1983 to 2003 is located on an area of 10% of the area of the republic and target to increase the number of protected areas to reach inter area to about 18% of the area of Egypt by 2017.

Ras Mohammed and islands Tiran and Sanafir (South Sinai)
Ras Mohammed National Park is located at the confluence of the Gulf of Suez with the Gulf of Aqaba, an area of about 850 km2. And characterized beaches reefs in the ocean depths water as she enjoys her celebrity status World as the most beautiful areas for diving in the world. 

Zaranik and marsh Bardawil (northern Sinai)
located Zaranik in the eastern part of Lake Bardawil and has an area of about 235 km 2 and has an international reputation for migratory birds. Have been recorded 224 species of birds in the protected them (swans, Alepesharush, quail, Karawan, ducks Lunar, hawks)

Reserves alba natural (Red Sea)
located reserves tray natural in the southeastern part of the Eastern Desert, an area of about 35,600 km 2.Featuring Reserves contrast ecosystems by the mountains and valleys and areas plain, coastal and marine and famous these areas the great diversity in plants as increase the number of plant species by the 350 species.

Dean Nature Reserve (Matruh) 
Reserve lies Brigadier on the northwest coast of Egypt on After 38 km west of the city of Alexandria and about 200 km to the east of the city of Matrouh and has an area of about 700 km2. And characterized the environment natural Protectorate Brigadier sand dunes, marshes and salt flats and slopes and rocky valleys and lowlands with fertile soil.

Taba Nature Reserve (South Sinai)
Reserve Taba is located in the southwestern region of the city of Taba, with an area of about 3590 km2. Includes protected Taba geological structures, caves and of multiple mountain paths and a network of the most important valleys and valleys: TER - Alzeljh - Sawwanah - Nakheel. Featuring Taba protected its rich diversity of animals and rare plants and endangered.

Wadi Rayan Reserve Area (Fayoum)
These Reserve areas are located in the southwestern part of Fayoum. It has an area of about 1759 km 2 and is characterized Wadi El Rayan its integrated desert environment, including sand dunes and natural eyes and various plant life and a variety of wild animals as well as marine fossils are waterfalls of various marine sports areas

And there are a lot of reserves that God-given to Egypt sensitive except visit her soon............... 


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