Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wax Museum

Among the museums several fraught with Cairo stands Wax Museum in the suburb of Helwan in the forefront, not only including its inclusion of holdings rare Troy stages of the development of Egyptian history, from the Pharaohs up to the modern era, but including addition between walls of statues waxy made meticulously paid to selected specialists in second place for months wax museums in the world.

History Museum
Due date of establishment of the Wax Museum in Egypt to 1934 in an attempt to embody the Egyptian historical events, and highlight their importance to the Arab and global levels. Wax Museum experts classified as an educational museum, he recounts through dozens of statues carved meticulously, the history of Egypt in three-dimensional form, which makes it a kiss to thousands of students and tourists alike. The Wax Museum Egyptian is the fourth in the world after Museums of France, England, Australia in terms of what its inclusion of holdings, but second place in terms of fame, has been transferred museum three times in the first of Tahrir Square to the Palace Road in kind, and then to the area of Oasis, Finally in its current location near the area of Ain ​​Helwan. 

The museum houses 116 statues and 26 scene tells the history of Egypt, from the 18th Dynasty pharaohs, until 23 July Revolution and now being developed to reflect the second phase of Egypt's revolution to the current time. This museum gives statues made ​​of wax impression to the viewer that due to personalities of flesh and blood.

Established the museum by the artist Global Egyptian George Abdul Malik , and was skilled Egyptian artists of his time, after he excelled in the embodiment of many stories and novels, which lists the history of the dawn of the Pharaonic civilization, through civilizations Greek, Coptic, Islamic and down to the era of the revolution in July 1952 in many wax statues, one of the most prominent museum collections. Department artist Abdul Malik historical eras that have passed on Egypt in 26 spectacle, put her significant animating backgrounds, add effects scenes of life in bygone eras.

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