Monday, January 21, 2013

Book of the Dead

Book of the Dead oldest book ended us knowing, without a building in the era of the Great Pyramid, a copy of which is still preserved in the British Museum. It calls for the gods, songs and prayers, and then describe what Tlaekaya spirits of the dead in the afterlife from the account and inflict punishment and reward.

They took care a lot in their lives to prepare for after death and therefore has built huge temples along with the graves of not less magnificence and luxury, where they believe in the resurrection and the return of the spirit in which they called the two convergent Ka pictures or Ba .. Also keen to put all the things the deceased from food and jewelry and all that he loved in his life with him in his tomb where the soul of the deceased to eat and drink them when she returns to the body, and by the pursuit of other life.

This spells and magical amulets - what was called the Pyramid Texts in the Old Kingdom - were embossed on the walls of tombs and pyramids or regular on wooden sarcophagus or placed alongside the mummy to be the Dead guide in his journey to the other world.

Where were these spells as instructions guiding the deceased was able to overcome obstacles and risks Stsadfh in during his trip to the other life, and guide him also on the means used by the successfully completes this journey without being exposed to any ill.

In the Middle Kingdom and the modern state, began writing the texts of the Book of the Dead on papyrus and put this book next to the mummy inside the coffin. It was all ancient Egyptian significant keen to assign priests processing his book of the dead, in which he mentions his name and the name of his father and his mother's name and function in the world. In preparation for the day of his death and processing ritual transferred to his tomb.
Of course we all remember this book mentioned in the film The Mummy How wonderful you Egypt.

Cleopatra VII

Cleopatra VII was the last Ptolemaic rulers in Egypt, has surpassed her predecessors in intelligence, prudence and ambition. And topped Cleopatra throne and ruled Egypt for nearly twenty years (from 51 to 30 BC.). According to Egyptian law, she married her brother Ptolemy XIII; then she felt that this political marriage hinder their plans. Accused, three years after the judgment, that it is trying to take over the throne and exclusivity; She fled to the Eastern Desert and collected an army of Arabs, hoping to attack Alexandria and seize power. And tried to Julius Caesar, who entered Alexandria, ending the dispute between Cleopatra and her brother Ptolemy. crept Cleopatra behind army lines of her brother, and hid inside a large carpet carried one of its followers as a gift to Caesar; When the man entered the palace, she appeared out of the rug. And originated Caesar's relationship with them, and also agreed aspirations of Cleopatra; to seize the throne.

Caesar decided to participate Cleopatra brother governance; as recommended by their father. He objected Ptolemy Caesar fought, but eventually drowned. Cleopatra concluded an agreement with Caesar hereby announces in Egypt her marriage to him, and announce the news in Rome; there when he becomes emperor.

Cleopatra gave birth to a child of Caesar and recorded on the walls of the Temple of Armant that Caesar the Xha in the form of Amon Ra;, making it a legitimate wife to Caesar, in the eyes of the Egyptians. They are then moved to Rome, waiting for the day that Caesar becomes the emperor and officially announce their marriage; thus becomes his partner in the throne of the Roman Empire.

But Republicans alarmed by the ambitions of Caesar and killed him in March of 44 BC.. And Cleopatra returned to Egypt. Then won Caesar agents led Mark Antony and Octavian (named also Bogustus) in the autumn of 42 BC.. And summoned Antonio, which is the outgrowth of the eastern part of the Roman Empire, Cleopatra to Sicily in order to convince them not to stand with Caesar agents. And charmed Antony and Cleopatra returned to Alexandria; confident that he will be followed, and that's exactly what he did. He spent Antonio autumn of 41-40 BC.. In the fun with Cleopatra succeeded in turning his mind to Alexandria, and away from Rome. But Antonio faster return to Rome, as a result of the dramatic events there; married Octavia sister of Augustus. And stayed away from Cleopatra; that came out to oversee his campaign in Syria.

Then summoned Antonio Cleopatra and announced his marriage and admitted his paternity of twins are especially him. He returned from his victorious campaign and established celebrations in Alexandria. The Romans worried that Antonio wanted to make Alexandria, the capital of the Roman Empire. And soon announced Cleopatra "Queen of Queens", and distributed the eastern states of the Roman Empire between them and her two children from Antonio.
Cleopatra saw herself empress for the second time; All that remains to achieve this, is that topples Antony Bogustus. But Antonio defeated in 31 BC. The two fled to Alexandria
Before Augustus entered Alexandria Antony killed himself, and hid Cleopatra Bmqbernha in Royal Quarter in Alexandria;, where he was the famous palace, has retained all treasures in the cemetery.
And threatened to set fire to the cemetery; killing so itself and destroy the treasures; and her dreams of Rome in Cleopatra during the victory celebrations to Augustus, who conned and sign are treasures was his intention to take him captive.
Provided critical Cleopatra herself, killing herself. Rome and controlled in the world, then, for a few centuries. And raced era writers and poets, to win the consent of Augustus; mock Cleopatra and Thakerha. Did not try one of the agents of the late Queen defend. Thus writings became competitors only available source for her life. And for those stories were a tremendous impact on all what has been written about Cleopatra; since ancient times, and even to this day.

King Ahmose

Ahmose is the son of King Seqenenre taa ( I ). and Queen Ahhotep, and the brother of King Kamose, the last king of the family seventeen. At the age of ten took Ahmose and whose name means Born Moon: Crescent. Rule after the death of his father and the death of his brother in the war against the Hyksos. Upon assuming power took the royal name Neb -Yhetti - Ra

Was Seqenenre (I) began attacking the Hyksos to fight against them and their exodus from Egypt and killed in one of his battles with the Hyksos, and then completed his son Kamose war until cleared level of the Hyksos then Ahmose the expulsion of the Hyksos out of the country.Was Ahmose his armies when he was about 19 ​​years old and used some modern weapons such as chariots and joined the Army a lot of people good and he went and his armies to Avaris (Sun Ahadjrahalaa) Hyksos capital and defeated them there and then followed them to Palestine and trapped in Fort Harohen and drew respondents there until they surrendered did not Hyksos appears later in history, this battle was circa 1580 BC.

Ahmose married Ahmose - Nefertari, which became the first wife of the god Amun, who bore him three sons, one of whom is his successor, Amenhotep I died first and second at a young age, and four daughters are Meritamun and SAT Amon and Ahhotep West Kamose.

Believed to Ahmose cemetery at Abydos and consists of Temple slope funeral and cemetery and the remains of a pyramid discovered in 1899, and knew that his pyramid in 1902 and the Temple of the pyramid and the other in good has been looted by thieves.

The discovered mummy in 1881 in cache Bahari with mummies of some of the kings of families eighteenth and nineteenth century and twenty-one, were identified mummy on June 9 in 1886 by Gaston Maspero, and the length of the mummy 1.63 cm and her face is relatively small compared with the size of the chest

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Wax Museum

Among the museums several fraught with Cairo stands Wax Museum in the suburb of Helwan in the forefront, not only including its inclusion of holdings rare Troy stages of the development of Egyptian history, from the Pharaohs up to the modern era, but including addition between walls of statues waxy made meticulously paid to selected specialists in second place for months wax museums in the world.

History Museum
Due date of establishment of the Wax Museum in Egypt to 1934 in an attempt to embody the Egyptian historical events, and highlight their importance to the Arab and global levels. Wax Museum experts classified as an educational museum, he recounts through dozens of statues carved meticulously, the history of Egypt in three-dimensional form, which makes it a kiss to thousands of students and tourists alike. The Wax Museum Egyptian is the fourth in the world after Museums of France, England, Australia in terms of what its inclusion of holdings, but second place in terms of fame, has been transferred museum three times in the first of Tahrir Square to the Palace Road in kind, and then to the area of Oasis, Finally in its current location near the area of Ain ​​Helwan. 

The museum houses 116 statues and 26 scene tells the history of Egypt, from the 18th Dynasty pharaohs, until 23 July Revolution and now being developed to reflect the second phase of Egypt's revolution to the current time. This museum gives statues made ​​of wax impression to the viewer that due to personalities of flesh and blood.

Established the museum by the artist Global Egyptian George Abdul Malik , and was skilled Egyptian artists of his time, after he excelled in the embodiment of many stories and novels, which lists the history of the dawn of the Pharaonic civilization, through civilizations Greek, Coptic, Islamic and down to the era of the revolution in July 1952 in many wax statues, one of the most prominent museum collections. Department artist Abdul Malik historical eras that have passed on Egypt in 26 spectacle, put her significant animating backgrounds, add effects scenes of life in bygone eras.


Tutankhamun was a pharaoh of Egyptian family of eighteen in the history of ancient Egypt, and was the Pharaoh of Egypt from 1334 to 1325 BC.. In the era of the modern state. Tutankhamun is the most famous pharaohs for reasons not related to the achievements made ​​or won the wars, as is the case with a lot of the Pharaohs;, but for other reasons are important from a historical perspective is most important is the discovery of his tomb and treasures in full without any damage. The mystery surrounding the circumstances of his death as the view of many Pharaoh's death at a very young age is not normal, especially with the presence of traces of fractures of the thigh bone and skull, and marriage and his minister from his widow after his death and the inauguration of the same pharaoh. All of these mysterious events, and heavy use of the legend of the curse of the Pharaohs associated with the tomb of Tutankhamun that were used in movies and video games made ​​Tutankhamun months of the Pharaohs to the mysteries and questions not answer some considered one of the oldest of assassinations in the history of humanity.

Tutankhamun was 9 years old when he became pharaoh of Egypt and named the ancient Egyptian language means "the living image of the god Amun", a large ancient Egyptian gods. Tutankhamun lived in a transitional period in the history of ancient Egypt, where he came after Akhenaten, who tried to unite the gods of ancient Egypt in the form of the one God Sunday. It was in his return to the worship of multiple gods of ancient Egypt. His tomb was discovered in 1922 in the Valley of the Kings by British archaeologist Howard Carter. This latest discovery fanfare and extensive in the world.

The origins of Tutankhamun to his grandfather King Omnhotb third begotten of major wives Queen Tiye son Amenhotep IV, known as Akhenaten, married Akhenaten of Queen Nefertiti and his wife was key in addition to a secondary wife called Kia; and which is probably the mother of Tutankhamun, has been announcedSupreme Council of Antiquities in April 2010 that, based on DNA tests show that Tutankhamun was the son of King Akhenaten.

Tutankhamun became king of Egypt as a child after the death of his brother Smonkh Ka Ra, He married Ankh Essen Amon. Died Tut Ang Amon in mysterious circumstances and unknown, to govern after his minister Previous Ai, who married Ankh Essen Amon widow of Tutankhamun Amun

For a long time was the cause of death of Tutankhamun controversial issue and there were a lot of conspiracy theories that suggest the idea that he was not dead but was killed in the assassination. March 8, 2005 as a result of the use of visualization Alhariha three-dimensional three-dimensional CT scans on the mummy of Tutankhamun said archaeologist Egyptian Zahi Hawass that there was no evidence that the Tutankhamun had been to the assassination and added that the hole in his skull does not belong to the cause received a blow on the head as previously thought, but was the events of this hole after death for the purpose of embalming and ills Zahi Hawass fracture bone in the left thigh, which has long been linked to the theory of the assassination a result a broken thigh bone suffered Tutankhamun before his death and may have inflammation resulting from this break has caused his death.

Dear visitor Come to Egypt at any time you want to find unless you find in any Dzlh in the world come to Egypt and will not regret......

Temple of Amun

Temple of Amun at a distance of 4 kilometers east of the current town of Siwa, and it is said that famous Greek 
soothsayer Amon he lived went directly to Alexander the Great after his arrival in Egypt for the first time in 331 BC. Many believe that the Macedonian leader had asked Arraf whether temple "will judge the world", and answer the priest was "Yes, but not for long." There in the temple lobby and huge front yard. and close to the temple in the south, you can access to the Temple of Amun, which dates back to the Thirtieth Dynasty.

Sometimes the name of the sun god Amon Ra paired as to become Amun - Ra, especially when he was referred to as the "king of the gods" from the eighteenth dynasty, where he was sentenced heavens Dinah ancient Egyptian god Ra.When the transfer of Amenemhat I capital to Atjtawi (at the edge of the Delta; yet to be discovered and can be Liszt) increased importance of this pairing excelled politically and theologically, which makes sense for god superior Kamon, who was also nicknamed "King of the mitral earths

In ancient Greek was Amun -  Re sometimes depicts the head of a bearded man and the body of a scarab, and hawk wings and feet of humans and claws of a lion, with a view to give many different recipes on it.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Mohammed Ali Mosque

Mohammed Ali Mosque is a mosque built in the Ottoman style, similar to the mosque the Istanbul Oaasofia, built by Muhammad Ali inside the Citadel of Saladin in the Egyptian capital ; Cairo , between the period of 1830 to 1848.

Mosque in total rectangular building is divided into two parts: the eastern part is prepared for prayer, and west, a saucer Ttosth fountain ablution, and each of the sections Baban opposite one tribal and other maritime and eastern part square along Dilgh inside 41 meters Ttosth dome high diameter of 21 meters and a height of 52 metersfrom the ground level of the mosque mounted four square shoulders fundamentally four half-domes and half Dome fifth covered the emergence of the mihrab, unlike four other small domes pillars of the mosque.

The walls are covered with the mosque from home and abroad Alabestr marble imported from quarries Beni Suef, as well as the shoulders of the four-bearing interior dome.The walls are covered with all the top of the marble cladding Mosque inside engraved ornaments colored gilded carvings. As for the large dome and half-domes has Halit prominent colorful gilded ornaments.

The second section, a saucer Ttosth ablutions fountain, and the back of the clock tower donated by Mohammed Louis Philippe, King of France in 1845. The mosque Mnartan Rchiguetan rise 84 meters above ground level courtyard.

The original pulpit of the mosque is a large platform made ​​of local wood with gilded ornaments, while the pulpit actually small Almmermry to the left of the mihrab, he ordered the work of King Farouk in 1358 AH = 1939. And illuminated mosque with beautiful crystal chandeliers surrounded by glass Mchkaoat coordinated exquisite forms. The on both sides of the western side of the mosque Mnartan Rchiguetan Ostoanita Figure Benita also Turkish-style minarets, and the height of each of them 82 meters from the ground.

The mosque has three doors, one in the middle of pleurisy Maritime, and the second in an interview in mid-flank tribal, and the third in the middle of pleurisy west, and leads to a courtyard room area 53 in 53 m enveloping walls cladding of alabaster, and is surrounded by four corridors contracts and pillars of marble, too, and Bosta place ablution, which is a dome-mounted eight columns with flap local motifs prominent gilded, and the soles of the dome local carvings colored and gilded represent landscapes, and the dome clad Kkabbab mosque sheets of lead and Bosfielha Tank water is octagonal dome made ​​all of alabaster Almedkouk motifs prominent. The highest mid-western corridor of the tower of copper bowl decorated inside ticking clock donated by King Louis Philippe of France to Mohamed Ali Pasha in 1845.