Saturday, January 19, 2013

Belgian Diamond Museum

Still diamonds millions of years ago gift Mother Nature gave rigidity and strength to that article that symbolizes today to human emotions in addition to what it stands for power and wealth, love and purity and beauty and protection of the person carrying., date diamond is the history of an amazing build bridges between countries, cultures and ancient times and this is what trying to do Diamond Museum in Antwerp (Belgium)

as it tells the story of this history, which made ​​simple people lived amazing story since their knowledge of diamonds from manual labor to global trade.

museum, which extends over an area not exceed Klelomtra square,is the International Center for Diamond is sold in Antwerp Eight out of ten diamonds at the global level so is the largest museum of Diamond and where the largest Olmastan at all.and assumed Antwerp this site in 16 th century and still to this day and that for Belgium and Antwerp in particular and political and economic situation the country's fixed and the presence of a wide and unique diamond in Antwerp along with labor skills that are unmatched in another country.

touches museum to the history of diamond cross sections televised explain to a visitor to this world Buraq.and submerge it in the world of dream and high-tech at the same time as focuses museum on a string that connects the human and motivate diamond sensations deep inside.
and visitor finds in the museum answer all questions about what the diamond and places its existence and extracted, and how are tender him, 

This allows the visitor to enter the Hall of treasures that spread over three floors, where doors open heavy,with engineering tradition and where they can discover unique collections of diamond jewelery historic and trendy.
Perhaps some thought that This museum is not only scientific expertise on diamonds is that the visitor feels that his visit is much farther.In roaming between different halls you live off of diving in this bright world, whether through paintings.
placed on walls or jewelry displayed in front of him or through voice annotations The televised.
and then sell it with the one industrialists refined grain diamond to visitors explaining types of diamonds, which is very rare, such as those with pink or yellow or red.
takes to visit the museum hours and a half hours live visitor through the past, present and dreams of a solid and bright future. (KUNA ).

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