Monday, January 21, 2013

Book of the Dead

Book of the Dead oldest book ended us knowing, without a building in the era of the Great Pyramid, a copy of which is still preserved in the British Museum. It calls for the gods, songs and prayers, and then describe what Tlaekaya spirits of the dead in the afterlife from the account and inflict punishment and reward.

They took care a lot in their lives to prepare for after death and therefore has built huge temples along with the graves of not less magnificence and luxury, where they believe in the resurrection and the return of the spirit in which they called the two convergent Ka pictures or Ba .. Also keen to put all the things the deceased from food and jewelry and all that he loved in his life with him in his tomb where the soul of the deceased to eat and drink them when she returns to the body, and by the pursuit of other life.

This spells and magical amulets - what was called the Pyramid Texts in the Old Kingdom - were embossed on the walls of tombs and pyramids or regular on wooden sarcophagus or placed alongside the mummy to be the Dead guide in his journey to the other world.

Where were these spells as instructions guiding the deceased was able to overcome obstacles and risks Stsadfh in during his trip to the other life, and guide him also on the means used by the successfully completes this journey without being exposed to any ill.

In the Middle Kingdom and the modern state, began writing the texts of the Book of the Dead on papyrus and put this book next to the mummy inside the coffin. It was all ancient Egyptian significant keen to assign priests processing his book of the dead, in which he mentions his name and the name of his father and his mother's name and function in the world. In preparation for the day of his death and processing ritual transferred to his tomb.
Of course we all remember this book mentioned in the film The Mummy How wonderful you Egypt.

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